(Evansville, Indiana) The Warrick County Community Foundation is now accepting online applications for their Community Good Grants Program. The deadline to submit applications is Friday, April 8, 2022, at 5 p.m.
The Foundation awards Community Good grants to charitable partners located in or directly serving Warrick County. Funding opportunities are available to support a broad range of local needs. Consideration will be given to organizations that demonstrate:
Commitment to long-range planning, financial stability, and sustainability;
Solid, realistic plans for program/project evaluation;
Desire to promote collaboration among organizations or institutions to prevent duplication of services;
Project methodology utilizing a preventative approach to addressing the issues and solving problems; and
Evidence of realistic organizational planning and management.
Charitable entities can view the full details related to funding requirements and access the grant application via the Foundation’s website at https://communityfoundationalliance.org/grant/warrick-discretionary-grant/.
Agencies and projects not eligible for funding include religious organizations proposing activities that support a religious purpose, political parties or campaigns, endowment creation or debt reduction, capital campaigns, annual appeals or membership contributions, and travel requests for groups or individuals such as bands, sports teams, or school classes.
For questions, contact Sidney Hardgrave, Regional Director of Community Engagement and Impact at 812.429.1191, ext. 106 or via email shardgrave@communityfoundationalliance.org.
About the Warrick County Community Foundation
The Warrick County Community Foundation is one of nine regional county affiliates of the Community Foundation Alliance. The Alliance holds more than 1,200 named funds established by individuals, families, businesses, civic groups, and agencies to improve the quality of life throughout southwestern Indiana, with charitable assets over $148 million. During our most recent fiscal year, grants and scholarships awarded from all Alliance funds to benefit programs, projects, and people in the nine affiliate counties totaled over $6.6 million. The Alliance provides management, administrative, and development expertise and services, so every local affiliate foundation can focus on promoting philanthropy, building endowment, and grantmaking, making a difference in their community today and for years to come.