Agency Funds

About Agency Funds

Agency endowment funds are a trusted way to invest in the future of your organization. Agency Funds allow you to:

  • Have a perpetual stream of revenue for the operation of your organization,
  • Provide a way for donors to give complex gifts such as stocks, life insurance, or property to benefit your organization; and
  • Benefit from fund investment and management expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of an agency fund?

The purpose of an agency fund is to provide a long-term, stable source of operating revenue for a nonprofit.

Why set up an agency fund?

An endowed agency fund shows potential donors you are serious about your sustainability. It provides an organized and accessible opportunity for donors to contribute to your organization and also a vehicle for your donors to make planned or legacy gifts. Instead of spending valuable time and energy managing your endowed fund, your organization will be able to focus more on fulfilling its mission.

Is fundraising for an agency fund permitted?

Yes. We encourage nonprofits to let their donors know about their endowments. We are happy to meet with a potential donor and have staff available to help you develop a communication and marketing strategy around planned giving.

Do distributions have to be made every year?

No. Many agency funds start small, to grow for many years before beginning to receive disbursements.

How does a nonprofit make recommendations for it's fund?

Recommendations can be submitted through our development staff.

Agency Funds For Warrick County

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